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Issue #5 - Occasional Rider moves

After almost five years in the store at Södermannagatan 16, I am now moving The Occasional Rider two stone's throw away to a slightly larger store at Åsögatan 159.

The move will take place between July 21 and mid-August. The exact opening date has not yet been set as the renovation of the new premises is still ongoing. Of course, there will be some celebrations at the opening, so keep an eye on our Facebook and Instagram for more info when the date is set.

To everyone who has visited the store at Södermalm over the years, I would like to extend a hand and thank you for all the pleasant moments and conversations. I hope that everyone will appreciate the new store as much and that it will also be experienced as at least as inviting and "hang-out friendly".

See you in August!

Sincerely, Micke


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